Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Say Hello to My Little Friend "Mirena"

Had an appointment with the doctor today to have the Mirena IUD inserted. The doctor explained that it wouldn't take too long, "about twice as long as getting a Pap Smear", the only pain I would feel was a "little pressure", and a "bit of cramping". Holy crap. What the hell!

It hurt like a son of a bitch! Seriously I thought I might faint. At one point I considered telling the doc, mid procedure, to "take it out". "Take in all out".

I'm not a wimp, usually I tolorate pain very well, sometimes too well. But I would rather have another child come screaming through my body than to go through that "little procedure" again. I have no idea how this torture device is going to be removed in 5 years.

Son of a bitch!!


Anonymous said...

Believe me, child birth hurts just a bit more than the Mirena insertion ;) Be careful what you wish for!...I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience, however most women who have the IUS inserted have little to minimal discomfort. Generally, its recommended that you pre-medicate with Ibuprofen (as the sensation that is most described is menstrual-like uterine cramps).
I hope this blog comment does not deter other women from considering this wonderful and effective birth control method! It is almost 100% effective and works for up to 5 years! And don't worry, removing the Mirena is simple and easy, and you will hardly feel a thing :) Promise!

brendabella said...

I know this comes a bit late but as the Mirena can stay in 5 years maybe I can still reassure you about the removal. Mirena IUDs come out easily and usually painlessly; often if I chat to her whilst removing a Mirena my patient doesn't even notice. I know insertion can be uncomfortable (or worse) but removal is not and this is why I tell women with Mirenas early that removal is different as otherwise they worry excessively and needlessly. Mirena is generally an excellent and effective contraceptive method.