Friday, December 12, 2008

Winter Running 101 - Prescribed Run #1

Yesterday was my day to run the prescribed run from my running class. So after work and after picking up my boy from school, we packed up the car with his bike and a ball and headed to the park.

The run went well. I was able to complete the run/walk without any problem. I'm sure the training will become more challenging but for now I'm sticking to the program and hoping to get stronger and faster all without injury.

Tonight I'm on my way to a Holiday Party at Sullivans and the anxiety is high. I have a whole bunch of excuses for not going like: I'm not a party person; nothing fits; I didn't shop for anything new; I don't want to be out late since I have so many holiday projects to complete tomorrow; blah, blah, blah.

I'm sure I'll be fine once I get there.


Jenny said...

Hey there! Long time no chat! :) So - you're becoming a runner ... KUDOS! I tried running in college, but ended up with mono and shin splints - LOL! But, it's true. God Bless YA! I think that is such a fantastic goal to set for yourself. Something that I should be doing ... a form of physical activity, other than cleaning and errands. Best of luck to you!!!

P.S. - so how was the par-tay?

crystal said...

Hi Posey; I came across your comment on Holly's blog (marathon bird) & I'm curious about your 12-week program. I've always loved to run just to stay in shape but had a baby in june and needed a goal to help me get back in shape. So...I registered for a half marathon & now I'm scared! I need to hear more about your 12 wk program!!! Helllp :) If you get a second, go to my blog profile & email me from there.