Tuesday, August 26, 2008

and it only took 3 weeks!

It only took 3 weeks for "my boy's" teacher to want to speak with me. Yesterday when I dropped him off at school, his teacher motioned me over and said "can I speak with you a moment?". Ms. Jackson wanted to inform me that "my boy" had made the comment in class that someone in a book or story they were looking at "looked like a homo".

For the next few seconds I only saw Ms. Jackson's mouth moving. The only sound I heard was the sound of my own blood rushing through my body. I'm pretty sure it's the same sound you hear right before you have a stroke.

After I composed myself I asked "my boy" what a homo was. He replied with the innocence of an 8 year old "a homeless guy ".

At least this year it took 3 weeks before a teacher needed to "speak with me".

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's the Principle

School has been in sessions for exactly 2 weeks and 4 days, and already I'm annoyed. Today they school has sent home a flippin' Fundraiser packet. You know the kind I'm talking about; it's the kind that they furnish a catalog filled with crap, and not just any crap, but expensive crap. The kids are supposed to pedal this crap to friends, family and I'm supposed to ask my co-workers to buy this expensive crap.

This alone would normally be enough to annoy me. But add the fact that these fundraiser "people" dangle prizes in front of the kids with impossible goals to reach, it's just not fair to the kids. So, this fundraiser is dangling the prize of having a BMX team come to the school and perform, but only for the kids that sell at least 5 items. How can this be right/fair? What about the kids that don't have family around (like us for example)? What about the families that are barely hanging on by a thread and just can't afford this expensive crap? Or that have 2 or 3 children at the school. Should these children not be allowed to participate in the performance?

This is not fair and just on principle I don't want any part of this, but my son does and I don't want him to feel left out, so I will have to spend at least $50.00 on crap that I don't want.

I'll get off my soapbox now, but I feel this is blackmail. Believe me this is not over!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sunshine, Freedom & a Little Flower

Just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower -- Hans Christian Anderson.

This necklace is my interpretation of the quote by Hans Christian Anderson. Each of the tiny sterling disks are stamp with the sun, a peace sign and a "little flower". I think the peace sign is the perfect symbol of freedom.

I usually don't show my work but I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone. Maybe it's a lack of confidence or fear of harsh criticism but whatever it is, I'll just have to get over it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Feet

We have lift off, finally. My boy's feet are finally healing. The doctor had scheduled a second biopsy, since it seemed that the antibiotics weren't working; but when we showed up for what undoubtedly was not going to be fun, there was nothing to biopsy! Which was a really good thing, not only for my boy, but for me also, since at the last biopsy I had the choice of leaving the room or fainting. Since this time the husband wasn't able to come to the appointment, I would have to be in the room during the procedure seeing as how the kid was already scared. Anyway Doc L, who by the way looks like Lyle Lovett's younger brother, and didn't want me passing out in his office anymore than I wanted to, was really happy with the way my boy's feet were healing.

This has been going on since about the end of June and let me tell you, IT WAS NASTY! Big, ugly fluid filled blisters. Come to find out he has some kind of plant based allergy and also some genetic skin issues going on.

But for now all is clear! He's happy -- I'm happy -- everyone is happy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Be Kind...

I just read a post by Lisa, and it made me think about one of my favorite quotes. -- "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Plato.

When someone cuts us off in traffic, or says a harsh word, you just never know what they are dealing with. Maybe if they just heard bad news, or they have a sick family member or just got laid off from a job and have no idea how they are going to pay the next mortgage.

Being kind, it couldn't hurt!

Monday, August 11, 2008


This past weekend was very productive. I spent a lot of time at my work table, working on a few new ideas, and will reveal them shortly. I know it looks like a mess, but really I know where everything, well, most things are. Really.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Am I Going to Explain This One?

This is the first week of school for "my boy", and of course he made a new friend that he wanted to come over and play after school. Normally 1 child (mine) in my house is enough, but after meeting the boy's mother, I decided to let him come over for awhile and play, besides it could work in my favor. So my husband picks up the boys from school and I go and get a workout in without the worry of having to rush home.

After a really hard workout I thought I could go home and take a nice long shower. The reason that this is important to this post is because "my boy" has some kind of bathroom radar. Whenever I go into the bathroom, whether it is to actually go to the bathroom, take a shower or just hide in there for a few minutes of peace, he instinctively knows and at that very moment he needs me or has to use the bathroom (even though there is another bathroom in the house). But since he had a friend over I figured he would be occupied. Ri-i-i-ght! Does anyone see where this is going?

So I'm taking my leisurely shower, head full of shampoo (oh yeah - the shower enclosure is clear glass), and I hear "Mom -- Mom. Can we have a snack?". Now usually I would yell "Hello, I'm taking a shower!", but there was just something about the way he said "we". I turned trying to keep by back toward the voice, and there was not only my son standing in the bathroom but his little friend too.

I.was.mortified. These boys had to walk from my son's room, down the hallway, through the dining and living room, which by the way was where my husband was sitting, and into the master bedroom to come into the bathroom and ask me "can they have a snack".

I explained the incident to the boy's mother when she came to pick him up, and although it seemed she took it well, I don't think this boy will be coming over to my house to play again any time soon and I'll never become a member of the Momtourage.

Monday, August 4, 2008

School Days

Today was the first day of school, so yesterday we braved the heat to get ready. There was lots of primping and preening:

First came the haircut --

Second, the wash --

Third, the warm steam towel --

Then the massage --

and finally -- he's ready for the 3rd Grade!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Post

My first post to this blog was supposed to show pictures of our vacation to San Diego...but as luck would have it -- new camera + new blog = no pictures. Oh well, I'll have to work on that.

Instead I'll write about my goals. I figure if I write it down, then there is proof and I'll have to be accountable. My goal is to run a 10K. To some that may not seem like much; but to me, someone that hasn't done any exercise -- this is huge!

I woke up at 5:30 am and walked 2 miles before the sun started beating down. It was actually kind of nice being up so early in the morning, before the streets became busy and seeing the wildlife running around.

Hopefully I can remember this feeling tomorrow morning.
