Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Am I Going to Explain This One?

This is the first week of school for "my boy", and of course he made a new friend that he wanted to come over and play after school. Normally 1 child (mine) in my house is enough, but after meeting the boy's mother, I decided to let him come over for awhile and play, besides it could work in my favor. So my husband picks up the boys from school and I go and get a workout in without the worry of having to rush home.

After a really hard workout I thought I could go home and take a nice long shower. The reason that this is important to this post is because "my boy" has some kind of bathroom radar. Whenever I go into the bathroom, whether it is to actually go to the bathroom, take a shower or just hide in there for a few minutes of peace, he instinctively knows and at that very moment he needs me or has to use the bathroom (even though there is another bathroom in the house). But since he had a friend over I figured he would be occupied. Ri-i-i-ght! Does anyone see where this is going?

So I'm taking my leisurely shower, head full of shampoo (oh yeah - the shower enclosure is clear glass), and I hear "Mom -- Mom. Can we have a snack?". Now usually I would yell "Hello, I'm taking a shower!", but there was just something about the way he said "we". I turned trying to keep by back toward the voice, and there was not only my son standing in the bathroom but his little friend too.

I.was.mortified. These boys had to walk from my son's room, down the hallway, through the dining and living room, which by the way was where my husband was sitting, and into the master bedroom to come into the bathroom and ask me "can they have a snack".

I explained the incident to the boy's mother when she came to pick him up, and although it seemed she took it well, I don't think this boy will be coming over to my house to play again any time soon and I'll never become a member of the Momtourage.

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