Monday, October 27, 2008

Clean, Simple and a Little Whimsical

I thought giving my blog a new look would help to motivate me into posting more often. I've been watching way too much TV lately, which is sucking all of the creativity out of me. We'll see if this helps. I wanted a clean simple look with a little whimsey.

Last weekend I actually tore myself away from the TV and ventured out into the world...the world of "NightFall - Release the Beast" at Old Tucson Studios. Nightfall is an annual Halloween event set in an old movie studio in the middle of the desert.

My boy is 8 years old and really had no desire to go, that is until all the kids at school starting talking about it and he decided that Nightfall was something that he couldn't possibly miss. So against my better judgement, we met up with friends and off we went. I must say that I thought this was a b-a-a-a-d idea. This is a boy who is afraid of his own shadow! So I knew there would be sleepless nights following this little outing.

"My Boy" with Vanessa, Camille and the Beast.

"My Boy" with another Beast and "B".

I have to admit "my boy" put on a very brave face the entire night. There were some things that were really scary for him, like the werewolf that climbed down from a building with a chainsaw and chased a random girl behind a opaque plastic sheet, where her blood was being splattered. I had to reassure him that the girl was planted into the crowd and none of it was real real and that everyone was an actor in costume.

Of course I slept in his bed for the past two nights and my hand still hurts from him squeezing so hard.


Anonymous said...

what a sweet story.

and i love the changes you made.

LazyCrazyMama said...

LOL that is brave :)