Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oprah Is Dead To Me

Last month I saw that Oprah was looking for Moms who have lost their sexy. Where do I sign up? Immediately I went on the Oprah website, filled out the form, submitted it, and then to my surprise I even got an email back from the producer. The producer, just to get my hopes up a little bit more, asked that I send additional pictures (for God's sake I even sent them pictures of my unsexy underwear). I then waited, and waited, and waited.

Yesterday I get home and turn on the TV only to find...Oprah is doing a show on Sexy Mom Makeovers. It's not fair! That was supposed to be me! I need the makeover! Why? Why? Why?

Oprah is dead to me!


Anonymous said...

this is awful and frustrating.

oprah is a tease.

you could take it as a compliment- maybe you just weren't unsexy enough.

SuZ said...

Damn her!!!!

LazyCrazyMama said...

:( aw man that sucks! they should have at least let you know that they didn't choose you! sucks you had to find out that way :(

Anonymous said...

And they were pretty good makeovers too!

You'd think they could pass on a little email or something. I mean, you sent them pictures of your underwear:)

Thanks so much for your comment on Imperfect Parent!